Physical fitness is a state of good health resulting from regular exercise and good nutrition. When you exercise, your body's metabolism works at a much higher rate, breaking down and regenerating tissues and creating waste metabolites That need to be flushed out of your system. That's why the universal recommendation is to drink great amounts of water when you're working out.

But you need more than just water for proper hydration. "You must also replace the sodium and potassium along with the water, said Dr. David McCarron, an adjunct professor at the University of California-Davis." This is why athlete's drink sports drinks rather than just water. Replacing water without sufficient sodium can Quickly Produce hyponatremia, a Potentially fatal condition. "

When the body loses electrolytes, from Perspiration Typically, over-rehydration with only water can Produce hyponatremia, the which is a true medical emergency. Hyponatremia symptoms are similar to heat exhaustion and Those of heat stroke and can Often be overlooked. Symptoms range from mild to severe and can include nausea, muscle cramps, disorientation, confusion, seizures, coma and death.

In 2002, a healthy 28-year-old runner collapsed and Died during the Boston Marathon as a result of hyponatremia. According to the British Medical Journal, 16 runners have Died as a result of too little sodium and overhydration, and another 1.600 have Become seriously ill. It is true That water intoxication is more commonly seen Among extreme athlete, but also older individuals are at high risk for Several Reasons.

As we age, our kidneys less efficient at conserving Become salt when the body is stressed, and common medications, Such as diuretics, That greatly increase of risk. That's why, during severe high temperatures, most news accounts refer to elderly Often Victims of the heat.

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